
WordPress Hosting

With our Free Trial and flexible prices, there are no excuses.

  • 1X WordPress website
  • Installed in under 90 seconds
  • Hosted on Namecheap Cloud
  • Seamless scalability as visitors grow
  • 99.9% Uptime
  • 3X faster than traditional hosting



The Fastest WordPress
Hosting Around

EasyWP is not only the fastest managed WordPress Hosting around, but also the most affordable.

Fully Loaded Time Time to First Byte Price Per Month
EasyWP 0.7 seconds 192 milliseconds $6.88
Bluehost 0.8 seconds 396 milliseconds $29.99
GoDaddy 0.8 seconds 200 milliseconds $12.99
WP Engine 0.9 seconds 245 milliseconds $30.00
Kinsta 1.29 seconds 491 milliseconds $30.00


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